Wednesday, January 19, 2011

a bushel and a peck...

I adore this print that I found on Pinterest. My mama used to say this when I was little, but she always added, "and a hug around  the neck." ...sweet memory!

This was made as a printable by Kelsey at Tattered and Inked. Kelsey has kindly invited us over to her place for a visit. What a sweetie! ...Now I'm off to visit Miss Kelsey AFTER I text my grown children that I still love them a bushel and a peck.... 


Simply Debbie said...

Oh Mary Beth,
Thank you for the memories...
I always told my children this as they were growing up.
...but like you it always was a hug around the neck
hugs to you
Have A Sugar Sweet Day
Simply Debbie

Kelsey said...

I'm glad you liked this- I actually made it as a free printable on my blog at if you want to check it out. I sing the song to my son and the real lines do say 'I love you a bushel and a peck, a bushel and a peck and a hug around the neck'. I just shortened it :) We love that song too!!

Diane said...

My mom sang this to my son. Love it! :O)

Jo said...

We had our own version A bushel and a peck and a kiss on the neck and I would kiss the child on the neck when I said it

Kelsey said...

aw- you didn't have to do that :) But thanks for the blogging love! I'm amazed at all the people who have memories attached to this song!

Katie said...

So sweet!

Carrie @ Cottage Cozy said...

I used to sing the song to my kids...♥

Lisa said...

Ha! My older brother had a bedtime routine that went, "Good night, God bless you, I love you- a bushel and a peck and a hug around the neck. Pleasant Dreams!" He HAD to say that before we went to bed when we were kids (he said that to my parents, not me) You have a fun site!